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How marketing has evolved over the years and the impact of this change

How marketing has evolved over the years and the impact of this change

If you were to look at how things were done 10 years ago you will find that when people needed to buy something they would go to a website or two and decide based on whatever information they could find on those websites. But nowadays you can find and then less mount of information about any and all products out in the market. Since there is an unlimited amount of data available on products online whether its customer reviews our opinions of social media influencers now more than ever the power of whether or not to make the purchase is in the customer’s hand. 

Before social media became so popular companies were able to convince their customers regarding making purchases from their business more easily. It was easy for people to trust companies that were speaking directly to them and based on that trust they would make a purchase. But that isn’t how it is done nowadays most of the information out there about the product and the company is already acquired by the customers before they ever talk to anyone from the company itself. This has had an impact under sales and outreach of companies as they are now struggling with how to attract buyers when the customers are already aware of all the facts regarding the product.

Why Traditional Strategies Don’t Work

Nowadays traditional strategies don’t work on the customers like they used to. Leaving emails and cold calling doesn't attract buyers towards a business and the businesses that invest in these type of marketing campaigns finds their budget going to waste. However, this is not a cause to panic since there are now a new set of strategies available for businesses to market themselves to their customers. 

There are some strategies that you can adopt in order to market your business end turn the tide in your favor.

Establish a line of communication

A lot of times what makes customers lose interest in marketing efforts these days is that they aren’t interested in hearing a long sales pitch. The attention spans of customers these days are a lot shorter than what it was 10 years ago and people nowadays don’t have the time to stop and listen to a one-sided sales pitch. So, if you were too establish a line of communication with your customer you would have a better chance of eventually leading to a sale instead of directly starting off from it. Instead of directly interrupting someone in the middle of their day and pitching your product to them try to take a softer approach and include your customers in the conversation. 

Make the customer feel heard

Nowadays social media marketing is the way that most people market their products and services, but a lot of times their marketing efforts are one sided and customers feel like they are not heard properly. There is an endless amount of advertisement and marketing content flooding the newsfeeds of people and covering their pages so you need to be unique in order to stand out from them. If you offer design services, market yourself as a custom logo design company so that your prospective clients can make their ideas into reality. You should have content that is interesting and makes your target audience engage with your brand. If you only intend with your content to promote your business and products you will have a hard time in getting your customers invested.

Make sure to remember that on social media engagement is what drives customers to make a purchase. Old marketing techniques don’t drive results in today’s world so make sure to reach out to your customers through channels that they are interested in so you have a better chance of increasing the reach of your business.

Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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