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When Should You Change Your Brand Logo?

Pearl Lemon Web
When Should You Change Your Brand Logo?

Logos are synonymous with branding. It offers an instant image of a brand associated with the words or image. Moreover, people usually notice the logo before noticing the brand name. Hence you need to opt for a logo that is appealing, soothing, and easier for brains.

A logo often speaks a lot about the brand image or the businesses or services it offers. So, proper brand image logos are essential.

But with time, logos may not remain relevant. As people and businesses change, logos also need some makeover. While some logos remain identical and equally suitable, other logos fade with time.

Many brands hence opt for a logo change. So, does your brand need a logo change or upgrade? Find the signs here-

You have a Complex Logo

Logos need to be appealing and eye-grabbing. But a too complex design can do more harm than good. Such logos are not quickly processed by the brain and may not offer much information to the viewer. On the other hand, complex designs pose challenges during their digital transformation. Hence, the designers need to work more to copy the intricate details on a digital platform.

At present, humans are suffering from screen fatigue. The extreme psychedelic effects can be challenging for them.

People love easy graphics and simple logos. Moreover, such simple designs are also easier to copy for digital format and do not cause any brain fatigue for the viewers.

If your brand has a complex logo design, you may need to change it. Changing it to a more straightforward logo design will offer your brand multiple advantages also.

The Logo does not Identify with Your Services

Brand logos must resonate with the services or the products and organize offers. If the logo somehow does not resonate with the needed vibe, it is time to change it.

You have Changed Your Business Path

Changing business paths is among the most common causes for changing a brand logo. Companies can explore new ventures and new business paths for better success. It can cause changed policies and business interests. If the present business interest differs drastically from their previous business policies, it is time to change the logo.

Because after the change, the previous logo may not remain relevant to the present conditions, and it may cause a complicated brand image leading to confusing identities. So, whenever you change your business course or business policies, consider changing the logos.

The Logo Looks Outdated

Well, logos also have undergone a massive change in the past few decades. From billboard sign style to modern minimalistic style, each decade has its logo trend. If you have designed a logo that does not reflect the present design trends, it may be ideal for changing. Using an updated design allows a business to tap on the contemporary audience base for better business prospects.

If your brand logo displays any of the previously mentioned signs, take a closer look. You may get benefits by changing or upgrading the logo. Pearl Lemon web is a well-known logo design agency in London that can help you get your dream logo.


Having an updated logo allows a brand to remain relevant and maintain its modern image throughout the ages. Hence, brands need to look for signs to check if the logo requires any change. Considering a reputed logo design agency, London can help in deciding the best possible designs.

Original Source:- https://bit.ly/3seUpKs

Pearl Lemon Web
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