Most JC students would only consider doing Further Maths tuition at 'A' Level if they are particularly proficient in mathematics or have a specific interest in the subject. This is true even for students planning to major in math-intensive courses at the university level, such as data science, information technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, or statistics.
Further Mathematics is often one of the smaller subjects offered at a junior college. There's a reason behind this. According to my investigation, no degree courses at our local independent institutions include Further Mathematics as a required subject. A solid pass in H2 Mathematics or H2 Further Mathematics is frequently included as one of the admission criteria for the physical sciences, nursing, social sciences, and even data analytics and computer science. In other words, if the student meets the other subject and aptitude criteria, a good mark (typically an A) in H2 Mathematics would suffice.
For the past several years, I've been supervising Mathematics Research Projects at our junior colleges, and I was startled to find that some JCs would cancel their Further Maths sessions if there weren't enough students! JCs can do this because they know they will not jeopardize their students' chances to apply to local universities.
Nonetheless, for students who are secure in their mathematical abilities, pursuing Further Mathematics has advantages.
For starters, while Further Maths is not formally listed as a required subject for any of our local degree programs, the concepts covered are highly relevant to courses like physical sciences and data analytics. Important subjects in the current Further Maths syllabus include linear algebra, mathematical induction, second-order differential equations, and two sample hypothesis testing in statistics. These topics are often taught in first-year engineering, physical sciences, and data analytics courses, as well as in disciplines like econometrics, business analytics, and sociology. Further Maths is thus an excellent preparation course for many degree programs.
Second, studying Further Maths will assist students in strengthening their mathematical foundations and developing a broader understanding of mathematics. The abilities and problem-solving strategies learned in the Further Maths course will frequently assist students in answering questions in the standard H2 Math exam papers. However, despite its reputation in the past, Further Mathematics is not merely a more difficult version of H2 Math.
Third, students applying to study mathematics or physical sciences at a foreign institution, particularly the most renowned universities in the United States or the United Kingdom, may discover that a good mark in Further Maths is regarded favorably by university officials. This is especially true for the top-tier schools in the UK, such as Cambridge and Oxford, which place a high focus on prospective candidates' mathematical underpinnings.
Students should seriously consider taking Further Maths Tuition in Singapore at the JC level if their JC offers the subject and they are interested in either studying at one of the prestigious UK universities in the future or pursuing degree programs in math-intensive fields such as the physical and data sciences. Such pupils will benefit greatly from the solid foundations that will be laid down in a Further Maths course.