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What problem does smart agriculture solve?

What problem does smart agriculture solve?

We often see that a 100-acre farm only needs 1-2 people to manage; 10,000 pigs only need one worker, smart agriculture reduces the cost by more than 60% compared to traditional agriculture, and smart agriculture produces 1- 2 times as much...

In recent years, the power and effectiveness of smart agriculture have been gradually accepted and recognized by agricultural enterprises and farmers. Some people even regard smart agriculture as a "life-saving straw for farms". Using big data or connecting to the Internet of Things and using drip irrigation technology, farms that tend to go bankrupt have survived.

After the launch of the "Internet +" strategy, Internet agriculture has gradually developed into multiple modes, such as IoT agriculture, agricultural product e-commerce, big data applications, weather station monitoring, soil nutrient sensor and other new applications. So, what problems can smart agriculture solve? Solve the problems of production efficiency, agricultural product quality, and input, and these three problems are precisely the most difficult problems in agricultural production and management.

Solve productivity problems

Smart agriculture liberates farmers and makes them the leaders of agriculture; secondly, smart agriculture replaces slash-and-burn farming with advanced technology and improves the agricultural output ratio. In general, smart agriculture liberates labor, turns technology into production tools, and replaces traditional people, thereby achieving stable agricultural output capacity.

Improve the quality of agricultural products

Due to the use of traditional production methods, there are no standards for agricultural products, and the taste and appearance are not uniform, thus affecting the user experience. From the results, the quality of agricultural products directly determines the sales and prices of agricultural products. We found that smart agriculture has detailed and standard operation methods for agricultural production, fertilization, irrigation, sunshine, picking time, etc. with the help of technological advantages, thus ensuring the standardization of agricultural products, improving the quality of agricultural products, and realizing the integration of product and effect.

reduce investment

Agriculture has entered an era of high costs. From experience, farmers' input costs are high, which leads to high prices and weak competitiveness. Farmers' land rent, agricultural product prices, and labor costs are all rising year by year. Therefore, after the entry of smart agriculture, it can realize the multi-space use of land, reduce the use of agricultural materials, and reduce the overall cost of labor costs by adopting intelligence, thereby improving the competitiveness of agricultural products.

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