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Commonly used sensors for water quality testing

Commonly used sensors for water quality testing

Today, where more and more attention is paid to environmental protection, water quality analyzers are essential equipment for some occupations. Different occupations have different requirements for testing, so the corresponding operations of testing personnel are also different, and the selection of testing equipment is also different. For example, most of the industrial wastewater is tested for heavy metal content, and drinking water plants may need to detect various parameters such as microorganisms, organic matter, heavy metals, and disinfectants. The detection of these parameters is mainly completed by various sensors of the water quality detector. Today we will introduce some commonly used sensors for water quality testing!

Residual chlorine sensor

In the water supply and drainage industry and other related industries, residual chlorine has always been a very important indicator and has been valued by people for a long time. Especially in my country, the use of liquid chlorine for disinfection and control of residual chlorine content is responsible for the quality of life of the people. If the residual chlorine content is too low, it cannot reasonably disinfect people's domestic water, and if the residual chlorine content is too high, it will affect the safety of human drinking water. Residual chlorine content is not only closely related to people's lives in drinking water. Due to the aggravation of pollution, residual chlorine may be contained in rivers and lakes, which may even have a serious impact on aquatic organisms and even destroy the ecological balance. Due to its low disinfection price, liquid chlorine is the most commonly used sterilizing and disinfecting agent in life, especially in the domestic and foreign tap water supply and drainage industries, chlorine gas is widely used in the disinfection of various water supply systems.

The residual chlorine sensor is a new type of integrated sensor. The value of residual chlorine in the environment where the device is located can be obtained through the acquisition device. It can be widely used in environmental monitoring, aquaculture, sewage treatment, industrial production and other environments. Compared with traditional IoT sensors, it has the advantages of high precision and easy installation.

In recent years, a large amount of sterilized hospital sewage, boiler water, production cooling water, chemical plants and other incompletely treated wastewater have been directly or indirectly discharged into rivers, lakes, fishing ponds, and reservoirs, resulting in the death of a large number of aquatic organisms. occurred, and water pollution became more and more serious. The monitoring of water quality in aquaculture, rivers and lakes is inseparable from the online monitoring of residual chlorine to prevent the damage of the ecological environment in the water due to excessive residual chlorine.

The detection of residual chlorine content, on the one hand, is responsible for the health of people's drinking water, and on the other hand, is responsible for our natural environment.

Dissolved oxygen sensor

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen dissolved in a given amount of water at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure. Therefore, it should not be confused with oxygen in water molecules. It is usually expressed as parts per million or milligrams per liter of concentration. It can also be expressed as percent saturation, where saturation is the theoretical maximum amount of oxygen that can be dissolved in water at a given altitude and temperature.

The dissolved oxygen sensor is a new type of integrated sensor, which can obtain the value of dissolved oxygen in the environment where the device is located through the acquisition device. It can be widely used in environmental monitoring, aquaculture, sewage treatment, industrial production and other environments. Compared with traditional IoT sensors, it has the advantages of high precision and easy installation. At present, the methods for measuring dissolved oxygen content in water environment mainly include: colorimetry, iodometric method, conductivity method, electrode method, etc. Electrode method, also known as sensor method, has been widely used in recent years because of its convenience for online monitoring and high detection sensitivity.

With the acceleration of the construction of the Internet of Things, the intelligence of aquaculture has also become a development trend of large-scale aquaculture in the future. The use of IoT sensors, timely guidance and measures to improve aquaculture, can increase the benefits of aquaculture.

Conductivity sensor

Water conductivity sensor technology is a very important field of engineering technology research. It is used to measure the conductivity of liquids and is widely used in human production and life. An indispensable detection and monitoring device in production and technology development. Conductivity sensors mainly measure and detect industrial production water, human domestic water, seawater characteristics, and electrolyte properties in batteries.

ORP sensor

The ORP sensor is a new type of integrated sensor. The ORP sensor is mainly used for the oxygen recovery potential of the solution. It can not only detect the water body, but also detect the ORP data in the soil and medium, so it is also the most widely used. It can be widely used in environmental monitoring, aquaculture, sewage treatment, industrial production and other environments. Compared with traditional IoT sensors, it has the advantages of high precision and easy installation.

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