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curtain cleaning abu dhabi

curtain cleaning abu dhabi

Asfar Laundry Services offer the best laundry and dry-cleaning service provider in Abu Dhabi, UAE. We work for complete washing, pressing, dry-cleaning, carpet cleaning, and curtain cleaning services. Our laundry cleaning and care services are available for commercial or residential purposes. Our company works professionally with the high-end machinery and the global values. We assure to render the most promising services to the people of Abu Dhabi by working flawlessly for dry cleaning concepts.Our Specialisation

Asfar laundry is a fully owned subsidiary of Bin Moosa Group. The dry-cleaning services are provided with free pickup and delivery services for domestic and commercial customers. We regularly work for many hotels, hospitals, offices, and institutes to give a clean outlook to the linen, carpeting, and curtains. Even the garments are treated with utmost care to give them a new look. We follow localized and international regulations for maintaining the highest levels of business integrity. Our specialized steam-pressing technology gives a shine and elegance to the garments.

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