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Petofy Pet Microchip For Your Pet Safety

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Petofy Pet Microchip For Your Pet Safety

Pet Parents hardly know about Pet Microchip, when they visit vet for their pet's daily check-up, they see some posters posted around there about Pet Microchip but don't take any interest in it. Lots of pet parents don't have their pet microchipped.

As we know that people are taking much interest adoption or owning pets compared to past years ago and there are many expensive pet breeds in the world. So, we need to take extra care for them.

In this article we will know everything about pet microchip so lets dive into topic without wasting time. 

What Is a Microchip?

Most pets wear a collar with all your critical contact information on it. But wait! We know that collar can be removed and changed easily. This is where microchipping technology can help.

A microchip implant is a unique integrated circuit (IC/small chip) implanted inside an animal's skin.

Microchips not only assist people in locating missing/stolen dogs, but they also assist shelters in releasing animals to their proper guardians more speedily. 

Difference Between Microchip And GPS Tracking Device

Pet Microchip | RFID

Microchips are as tiny as a grain of rice

Microchip don’t have location tracing function in it

Microchip is scannable to identify

Microchip is implanted under pet's skin

GPS Tracker

GPS tracker tracks location of every moment

GPS tracker don’t need to scan

GPS tracker weight is around 30gm that contain Battery, GPS Antina, GSM module.

GPS tracker can be attached with pet's collar


How to Microchip Your Pet?

You just need to visit your nearest vet clinic or animal hospital and check there. In India only few vets and pet hospitals are doing pet microchipping. Veterinarians use a special injection to insert the microchip under the pet's skin. When microchip is implanted, the pet must be registered with a microchipping company.

Why Microchip Your Pet?

When you register your pet for microchip, the microchipping company generate a unique identity for it and store all the information of pet owner and pet in their data base. Microchipping company will charge only one time fee for this process.

If your pet gets lost, then it can be found easily just by scanning it's microchip. After scanning microchip, it will show all the information about pet owner which will help him to get back to pet owner.

Benefits Of Microchipping Your Pet

Your Pet Safety -

Painless Process Of Implantation

It does not need to replace

Generate pet's all information

Detected by Microchip Scanners

Know More - Pet Microchipping pros and cons

Buy Now - Petofy Pet Microchip

Petofy - Everything Pets
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