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How to Solve Instagram Videos Can't Play

How to Solve Instagram Videos Can't Play

Have you ever experienced Instagram social media users unable to play a video on the timeline? If yes, you are not alone. The reason is, it can be said that most Instagram users must have experienced this.

It sounds like a trivial matter, but if it keeps happening, it will irritate us, especially when the video you want to watch is so exciting and too good to miss so that later it will make us curious and curious.

Now, instead of dying of curiosity just because we can't play and watch Instagram videos that pass on the timeline, here, we provides a solution for how to solve Instagram videos that can't be played.

6 Ways to Overcome Instagram Videos Can't Play

1. Clear Cache

A cache is data from app usage that is stored temporarily. The cache functions to increase the transfer of data that has been accessed on our devices.

So that if we reaccess the application, the process will be faster than when we first opened it because our data is already stored in the cache. However, within a certain period, the supply can hurt the Smartphone.

Why? Because the cache can make smartphone memory complete and the speed of applications, especially Instagram in accessing videos, is slow. This could be the reason why we can't play videos on Instagram.

The solution to this problem is to clear the cache stored on the Smartphone. This can be done directly in the settings menu or using a cache eraser application available in the application store.

2. App Updates

Another possibility that causes Instagram not to run videos is because the Instagram application on our Smartphone is not updated. In this case, always make sure the Instagram application that we use is using the latest version.

Because every application party updates, they always provide updates or fixes for every bug in their application. If it is not updated, it could be a bug causing Instagram not to be able to play videos.

To update, you can do it on the Google Play Store or Apple AppStore, according to your Smartphone. Then find the Instagram app, open it, and select update.

Also Read: How to Play YouTube in Background

3. Check Internet Connection

Videos on Instagram are also often not running because the internet network we use is not good, there is an interruption, or even your internet quota has run out.

Especially for the first and second reasons, we can't do anything because the root of the problem is not from our smartphones.

However, you should check it first by pressing the number according to the operator you are using for the third reason.

If your internet quota runs out, it's clear that your Smartphone can't play Instagram videos that require an internet connection to run it.

4. Reinstall the Application

If the method above doesn't work, try uninstalling the Instagram app and reinstalling it. But before that, make sure you have deleted all cache and data from the Instagram application stored on smartphone memory.

In this way, all bugs or settings in error from the Instagram application will return to normal as when they were used for the first time.

5. Restart Smartphone

If you have done all of the things above, but Instagram still can't play videos, the next suggestion is to restart your Smartphone. It could be your smartphone engine is never rested, causing interference.

Often with the move to restart the Smartphone, all problems and errors happening on the Smartphone will immediately disappear and return to normal as usual.

6. Factory Reset

The last way if the previous methods still can't solve the problem of Instagram videos not playing is to do a factory reset on the Smartphone.

This method is undoubtedly effective in overcoming various problems that occur on smartphones because it will restore all smartphone settings and data as if they were just removed from the factory.

However, what needs to be remembered, when using this last method, make sure first to back up the data so that later there will be no regrets if suddenly the data is lost without a trace.

Source: teknologi,id

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