The World Health Organization (WHO) is the best and most authentic source of daily health news. The organization found B.1.1.529 as a threatened variant named Omicron on 26 November 2021. The new variant has hit the healthcare system of underdeveloped countries, and Pakistan is one of them. According to the WHO, the Omicron variant will disrupt the world economies struggling to stabilize amidst the ever-evolving Covid-19 pandemic. Pakistan is one of the underdeveloped countries that recently found this variant hitting its already delicate economy and health system.
Unlike Pakistan, the Omicron variant has generated new waves in the United States and Europe after Covid-19 and other related variants. It means it became the predominant variant worldwide. So, Pakistan needs to be prepared, and an excellent approach to deal firmly with this variant is high vaccination coverage of the population. Besides, the government also needs to reinforce the application of booster doses and encourage people to adopt all prevention measures. The correct use of the face mask, frequent hand sanitation, and social distancing are helpful approaches.
So, it is essential to understand the threat level of the Omicron and how we can prevent ourselves from this contagious disease.
Overview of the general context
Paying attention to the latest health news is inevitable. We all know that viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, generate variants, as it is their natural process. This suggests that in case of the replication of viral particles, the viral structure can be changed. This process strengthens it while giving it certain advantages compared to its predecessors.
In the recent past, the entire world has seen different variants, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and now the new variant called Omicron. Scientists found that when entering the human body, Omicron can be contagious and transmissible to a significant than the earlier variants.
Protective measures against contagion
Due to specific structural changes, Omicron becomes much more efficient when entering the human body cells and thus contagious significantly.
Vaccines available to us continue to protect humans against the Omicron variant. We have seen that many human beings are not infected, and another percentage have been infected, although they are vaccinated even by taking the third dose. However, vaccination is still the best approach to preventing the new variant leading to severe diseases. Vaccines can prevent us from hospitalization, ICU admission, and even death.
Face masks
The current recommendation to prevent a more contagious variant is to avoid using homemade or poorly fabricated masks. The WHO frequently emphasizes that people must use three-fold surgical face masks. The KN95 model masks are ideal for protection against the Omicron.
Fundamental pillars of protection against contagion
Self-care measures and proper vaccination must always be a complement together. So, remember that taking one measure without the other is not effective.
Indeed, the Omicron variant continues to be spread in the same way. Therefore, people must follow protection measures to avoid contagion.
Therefore, frequent hand washing is essential while maintaining physical distance and ventilating spaces. Do not forget the correct use of masks.
Final thoughts
Although the efficacy of vaccines against the Omicron and other variants is still being studied, getting vaccinated and maintaining self-care measures are essential. Self-care measures include the correct use of the recommended mask, body hygiene and handwashing, and proper ventilation. These measures can prevent us from the contagious disease.
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