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Tips for skincare after laser treatment for pigmentation

Tanya Sharma
Tips for skincare after laser treatment for pigmentation

Laser treatments may be used on your skin to remove hair, remove tattoos, and cure blemishes, scars, fine wrinkles, and acne, among other things. If you're thinking about receiving the best laser treatment for pigmentation in Delhi or have just had it done, you'll need to know how to care for your skin afterwards.

Is there anything a laser can't accomplish, from reducing wrinkles to removing dark spots? Laser treatments can help you enhance the appearance of your skin and rejuvenate it completely. However, to achieve the greatest outcomes from your procedure and avoid issues, make sure to carefully follow any aftercare recommendations given by your surgeon.

Following a laser resurfacing treatment, here's what you can do to take the best possible care of your skin.

Avoid sun

Your skin will be quite sensitive following laser therapy. Any harm caused by the sun's Ultra Violet rays is likely to be more severe than usual. It's critical to limit your sun exposure immediately after treatment to avoid pain, dark spots, and other kinds of UV damage.

If you go outside, try to stay in the shade or avoid going out completely. Always wear a hat to shield your face from the sun's harmful rays.

Wear sunscreen every day, even if you're simply going outdoors to sprint from your house to your car, and then from your car to your office or the store. Choose a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30 or more and reapply it frequently throughout the day to block the rays. Because UV rays may get through windows, don't assume that being inside your home or automobile will always protect your skin.

Cleanse the area gently

You'll want to maintain your skin clean once it's been lasered. Depending on how intense your laser treatment was, you may need to be a little creative when it comes to washing. Your surgeon may advise you to wash your face with saline or a very weak vinegar solution for the first few days following laser therapy.

If you normally use a cleanser that contains acids or other harsh substances, you should wait until your doctor gives you the green light.

Swelling can be reduced

Swelling and redness are frequent side effects of laser treatments, especially ablative treatments that impact the skin's outer layers. Swelling and redness can be reduced with the use of cold compresses and ice packs. They can also make inflamed skin feel better.

Ensure that your skin is well hydrated

After laser treatment, your surgeon will most likely advise you to use a specific moisturiser. After an ablative therapy, many patients apply petroleum jelly on their skin. Petroleum jelly not only hydrates the skin but also develops a protective barrier along the healing skin, preventing germs from entering. 

Don't use the strong ingredients

If you regularly use skin care products that include retinol or other potent components, wait a few days or weeks following your treatment to use them. Any harsh or powerful component might cause more damage than good while your skin is healing following professional treatment. When it's time to resume your normal skincare routine, your surgeon will let you know.

Keep your head elevated

After laser treatment, sleeping with your head elevated might assist to minimise swelling. You might try sleeping on your back for a few weeks while propped up with pillows in your bed. Avoid leaning forward or dropping your head below the level of your heart during the day.

Avoid makeup

Skin frequently looks worse after laser therapy before it improves. After laser therapy, redness, flakiness, and crusting are all frequent side effects. You might be tempted to use foundation or other forms of makeup to hide the redness or decrease the look of flakes and scabs. Makeup, like other skincare items, might aggravate your recovering skin. It's preferable to wait a few weeks until the skin has healed.

Laser treatments are non-invasive, outpatient procedures with a quicker recovery period. You can go for this skin whitening treatment in Delhi to have its benefits. After the therapy, you can continue most of your daily activities. In only a few weeks, new skin will develop where you were treated, and after your skin heals, the benefits can endure for years.

Tanya Sharma
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