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Glaucoma Is Genetic And Root Of Because Of It Is Unknown

Glaucoma Is Genetic And Root Of Because Of It Is Unknown

Many people over 40, suffer from glaucoma. It normally happens when the fluid inside your eyes either flows too much or too little from them mesh of your eye. The main reason for this disease is not yet known but scientists have found out that it has something to do with the optic nerve getting damaged. Researchers have found out that this is mainly genetic, and only in some cases it can be a result of something else.

An eye doctors is the specialist that you need to consult when you undergo such an issue. They are the perfect experts to diagnose what is causing the glaucoma such as diabetes, etc. Also, they are the only ones who can efficiently provide a glaucoma treatment Dublin that can help either improve the vision or keep the vision you have.

If glaucoma is left untreated for a long time, it can result in permanent blindness which is more often irreversible. Meaning, if this disease is not cured as soon as it starts to show its symptoms, the patient can face permanent vision loss and there is no way to get the vision back, even with surgery.

Glaucoma tends to run in adults over 40 years of age; however, today we even have older adults, and young people who display mild symptoms of this disease. The major problem which entails glaucoma is that there are no signs and symptoms of this illness for a very long time, unless it becomes prevalent. That’s why it needs immediate addressing. Since it is already too late in showing up that it exists in the patient, when it does, make sure you get checked by an eye doctor.

Also, due to the aqueous humor fluid not being secreted or being secreted too much, it causes a pressure in your eyes that can cause headaches or even pain in the eye. The pressure in the eye is a very subtle sign of Glaucoma. There is no permanent treatment for this disease; however, patients are given life-long medications to deal with the issue.

Since it runs in families, when it starts displaying its symptoms you can be sure that you may have glaucoma in case someone else in your family has it too. Marijuana is said to be effective in this disease but many researches have found that although marijuana decreases the eye pressure, it also thins the blood in the body which results in further problems with the entire nervous system. Many people still seek marijuana-based treatment for glaucoma but there are many others who go for traditional glaucoma treatment Dublin too which is more effective in the long-term. Whatever may be the case with you always follow advise of the medical professional for the best results.

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