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Glass & Glazing Technologies Increasing Efficiency of Building Systems

Nisha Bisht
Glass & Glazing Technologies Increasing Efficiency of Building Systems


Today, glass façades have become an industry with several companies offering a plethora of choices in everything from supplying different glass to customization, cleaning and maintenance. The reason for architects’ and developers’ preference for glass is because it reduces the weight on the foundation and hence makes the building lighter as compared to constructing walls.

Architectural glass is used copiously in modern building façades nowadays due to its properties as a building material along with its aesthetic qualities. It offers lightness to the structure along with natural light and surrounding views to its inhabitants. Also, it offers a swift construction of the façade with standard and repetitive glass modules. These qualities coupled with sustainable aspects of different glass that have been engineered by material scientists for specific performance standards.

What are different types of Architectural Glass which can used in Modern Facades & Fenestration? Some of architectural glass are:

• Clear glass

• Sun control glass

• Ceramic printed glass

• Digitally printed glass

• Electrochromic glass/Translucent glass

• Annealed glass

• Fully-tempered glass (toughened glass)

• Laminated Glass

• Insulating glass

• Tinted glass

• Self-cleaning glass

• Fire-rated glass (protective glass)

• Low E-coated glass

• Frosted glass

• Embossed glass

• Sandblasted glass


Does glass have any impact on internal environment? Glazing plays a significant role in interior comfort levels. Glass is used on doors, windows, walls, and skylights/ roofs and even used as a partition. Depending on the design concept, designers decide as to which glass to go with. Ventilation and insulation are other areas in which glass plays an important role. One of the great benefits of glass in design is that it offers a chance to invite the outside world in. Glass helps in optimizing light transmission and in Improving the acoustic and thermal performance

Glass is selected and installed carefully keeping fire and structural safety in mind. Click Here to know in detail.


Also Glass is one of the most remarkable building materials in the world today and glass is seen as a symbol of modernism in future architecture. Glass not only provides aesthetics but also plays a very important role in the energy efficiency of the building. Read article to know how in detail.


Nisha Bisht
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