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Why is it Important for Students to Study Ethics

Why is it Important for Students to Study Ethics

Ethics is a philosophical discipline, the areas of study of which are issues of morality and morality.

Over time, ethics, like everything else in this world, has changed. Initially, it assumed under itself the settlement of the norms of social life, and also struggled with aggressiveness and selfish individualism. Along with the development of society, the range of issues that included ethics grew: what is good and evil; friendship; compassion and understanding, the meaning of life.

Despite the animal origin of man, ethics is one of the results of the evolutionary development of man; in the animal world, such a concept does not exist. As follows from the basic definition, the subjects of ethics, as a science, are morality and morality. But it is customary to include a number of other problems in the work program of the discipline, which are also relevant in such terms as the problem of good and evil, vices and desires; the problem of free will and decisions made; the problem is long before oneself and before society; existence problem. Why are we in this world? the problem of finding happiness.

Types of ethical values are divided into two categories: the main ones are the values found in the foundation of others. The basis for smaller values; private - values-virtues. Private values are divided into three subcategories: the values of ancient morality; values of the cultural circle of Christianity; other values. All the students that study ethics can get to know more on samplius.com and improve their knowledge of this subject. Besides, they can find there good samples for their papers.

The most interesting branch of ethics concentrates its attention on the practical application of all theoretical and normative knowledge. From moral ideas and principles to moral choice.

What is the main charm lies in the fact that the applied section is directly related to social and political sciences? For example, bioethics, medical, computer professional, political, social, business, environmental or legal.

A university system is a logical place for the development, teaching, and practice of ethical standards, and the universities themselves can be leaders and mentors of larger communities. The university is a kind of bridge between two social structures - the family/community and government / globalized economy. When students enter a university, they enter it only with the values of their family and community, but upon graduation, they are ready to take a place in a democratic society and global economy. During this transition period, young people grow up and move from the "family" to the "society" stage. It is during this period of youth education that there is an extremely urgent need to teach ethics and strengthen ethical standards.

Even if many family values remain with the student for life, if they are not directed in the right "direction", they are not always and will not easily find expression in the necessary global values. It is not enough to simply think that the student will find the right ethical standard on his own. Therefore, it is very important that the university system, as a link between two different worlds of student life, begins to teach and uphold high ethical standards. By creating a truly highly ethical environment that absorbs all aspects of university life, students will learn to make the right ethical choices about government and business that will benefit their people, their fellow citizens, and themselves.

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