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Five Tips to Overcome the Most Irritating Home Internet Issues

Five Tips to Overcome the Most Irritating Home Internet Issues

There is not a single person on this planet who hasn’t dealt with slow internet speed or poor signals. Regardless of the internet connection and providers, we all are victims of these irritating internet issues. Sometimes, you have to deal with dropping internet connections, and other times, no network/signals at all. Yes, the internet has dramatically changed our lives, but most of the time, it becomes a headache.

The good news is that it does not always have to be this way. You can overcome these home internet issues to some extent. Regularly test your internet speed and compare broadband plans to avoid these everyday problems.

Here are five such irritating internet issues and some tips to solve them:

  1. Select a provider supported by 4G network
  2. Regularly test for NBN speeds
  3. Place your router carefully to fix signal problems
  4. Opt for a smart fix modem
  5. Switch internet providers for better deals

Wifi problems? Quick tips to get your home internet out of the slow lane

Select a provider supported by the 4G network:

Do you often struggle with your dropping internet connection? Well, unreliable providers or a router issue can cause this problem. Indeed, this is so frustrating, primarily when you work or study from home. So, upgrade your internet connection to those supported by a 4G network. This is the best way to deal with this inconsistent internet problem.

Furthermore, the customers that enjoy the 4G network may experience low speed. However, they get to have fun with a steady internet speed. So, get ready for your conference without stressing over dropping connection.

Regularly test for NBN speeds:

Almost every internet provider claims high internet speed. And everyone fails to get that at the end. So, regularly test for NBN speeds if you rethink your current internet provider. In addition, look for reliable providers who operate independently to serve what you expect. You can also limit the number of devices for more NBN speed.

Place your router carefully to fix signal problems:

It is nearly impossible to get pretty distributed signals in every corner of your home. However, you can do some things to improve its internet signals in the crucial areas of your home. First of all, relocate your modem to improve the situation. Likewise, pick a central room of your home and avoid placing the router near metal objects. So, try this remedy for the signal problem. If the issue persists, you need to upgrade the router. Or, simply opt for a WIFI extender device. 

Opt for a smart fix modem:

Well, you can’t just sit around and wait for the internet to get speed. It can be frustrating to deal with internet issues daily. If you feel that your internet performance is declining day by day, upgrade your modem. Nowadays, you can get your hands on smart-fix modems that remotely monitor your internet speed and fluctuating signals. Firstly, go for good providers who take customer service seriously. Then take your next step.

Switch internet providers for better deals:

Indeed, switching can be a real task for most people. But, according to research, over 800 average Australians switch their providers to find a better deal and reliable connection. If you are also thinking the same, compare broadband plans and find a better connection and package. Also, go for a flexible deal and make the switch easier with Cheapbills.

Summing up:

It doesn’t matter if you are already in a contract. Slow speed and dropping connections are frustrating and time-consuming. So, troubleshoot these issues with these five tips. Start by relocating your modem to boost up the poor signals. In addition, upgrade your modems to a smart fix. If these issues persist, simply switch the providers to the ones with 4G supporting network.

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