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Benefits of Odoo Manufacturing

Akili Systems
Benefits of Odoo Manufacturing

Manufacturing refers to the process of converting raw materials into finished goods or products. For any organization, it is very typical to manage their large number of manufacturing products as well as track efficiently each manufacturing order. With effective and robust Odoo ERP, an organization can easily manage its manufacturing process without any hurdle. The Odoo ERP Manufacturing software enables the end-users to manage the complexity in the production process, Manage the bills of materials, Plan manufacturing orders, and track work orders.

Odoo manufacturing enables the end-users to create the manufacturing order of products and forward them in distinct phases of the production line. Users can easily customize their manufacturing procedure according to their business requirements via work center and other routing concepts. For successful process management, a company may assign different level users to oversee the full manufacturing method.

When we compare the Odoo manufacturing module to other ERP solutions, we can see that it has a number of unique features that only Odoo has. Byproducts, routing, a single BOM for numerous product variants, MRP II scheduler, Master production scheduler, Kanban Planning, Production calendar, Backward scheduling, Work orders, Repair, and other capabilities are not accessible in SAP ERP, however, Odoo has them all. In comparison to Microsoft Dynamics, Odoo offers functionality such as Equipment/Machine Management, Work Instructions on Work Orders, Maintenance Requests via the Shop Floor Terminal, Production Calendar, and so on.

Following are the Benefits of Odoo Manufacturing


It allows manufacturers to access business information with few clicks. It helps the top management team to manage real-time business information and utilize them for business growth.

Manufacturing Orders: Organization will manage their product into assembly lines or manual assembly.

Work Orders: Bringing the production of items required in the final assembly of products.

Repair Orders: Managing repair of items during their warranty periods.

Schedule and Plan:

It enables organizations to improve on-time delivery of products, which is an important performance indicator for manufacturers, by providing better control over component inventory, more precise demand planning, faster production scheduling, and more effective coordination of distribution routes. Manufacturers will have a lot of inventory coming in and going into production, especially if they’re doing mass production. Manufacturers will be able to track all of this inventory, as well as its characteristics, numbers, and locations, using ERP.

Plan manufacturing: Get a thorough picture of your whole planning process and effortlessly reschedule production.

Organize work orders: Have access to all accessible materials and plan your production ahead of time.

Manage Bill of materials: Keep track of the availability of products in stock and how long it’ll take for production.

Work Center Capacity: Schedule your work at each work center using the MRP Scheduler, based on their OEE and capacity.

Flexible Master Data:

Routing needs to be accomplished properly before manufacturing takes place. Basically routing is a procedure for creating a product using the materials mentioned in the bills of materials. It may include several stages along with the working centers. Odoo manufacturing does the following:

Create multi-level bills of materials: Setting bills of materials with another in order to create components of products for another bill of materials.

Optional Routing: Create new work order routines to sequence your production based on the routing method utilized.

Version Changes: Allow for the evolution of users’ products and the addition of configurable features when placing orders.

Kits: Organizations’ salespeople will be able to sell products that will be supplied as a set of components to assemble using the Kit feature.


Quality checks for purchased materials are performed by Odoo Manufacturing prior to production, during the manufacturing process, and as final inspections. In the event of a problem, the manufacturing ERP’s quality check systems assist in narrowing down the problem, hence enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.

Control Points: Quality checks for the production department might be triggered automatically.

Quality Checks: Checks make it simple to deploy statistical process control.

Quality Alerts: Use the Kanban view of quality alerts to organize your work.


Maintenance orders for repairs and other fixes can also be placed using a manufacturing ERP. These orders will be used to organize requests and assign them to the maintenance department. Preventive maintenance can also be automated with ERP software like Odoo by computing information like average time to failure.

Preventive Maintenance: KPIs can be used to automatically trigger maintenance requests.

Corrective Maintenance: Corrective maintenance can be triggered immediately from the control center panel.

Calendar: Using a calendar, plan out your maintenance tasks.

Statistics: Get all maintenance statistics computed for you: MTBF.

Work Center Control Panel:

Tablets: Set up tablets at each workstation to help employees and arrange their time.

Record Production: Scan products, lots, or serial numbers to register productions.

Worksheets: Worksheets with instructions for an operator can be displayed immediately on the WorkCentre.

Alerts: Use alerts to show the operator changes or quality checks.


Users can utilize the Odoo Manufacturing ERP platform to manage production complexities, material bills, manufacturing orders, job orders, and more.

Akili Systems
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