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Top Foods and Tips for Eye Health and Eyesight

Luna Jaiswal
Top Foods and Tips for Eye Health and Eyesight

The presence of eye problems has become very commonplace in the current world. Most people suffer from dry eyes, or any other eye issues. With the development of technology, eye issues aren’t going away and will only increase in the coming years. So, it’s become imperative to improve your vision as well as prevent eye diseases and enhance your health in the eyes.

How do you accomplish this? Do you have any medication to treat eye problems? Sure, the most effective one is within your home: your food!

There are a variety of foods that can improve your eye sight and help prevent problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration due to age Glaucoma, dry eyes, bad night vision, etc. D.T Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in Lucknow, India explore the various options on this site.


  • Kala Angoor:

Black grapes, also known as Kala Angoor is among the top foods to nourish your eyes. They’re rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, lutein , and zeaxanthin all of which can help improve your eyesight and overall health of your eyes. They are known to reduce retina oxidative stress and degenerative changes within the eyes They are essential when you are a fan of your eyes.

  • Shakarkandi:

Shakarkandi (also known as sweet potatoes) is another option that can help improve the health of your eyes. High in beta carotene, vitamin C and lutein, they’re well-known for their ability to treat eye dryness and even night vision.

  • Amla:

Did you realize that Amla is the natural remedy for the prevention of cataracts? The plant is high with Vitamin C and beta carotene, Amla fights the free radicals and aids in improving eyesight, prevent cataractsand increase the strength of eye muscles and help prevent macular degeneration.

  • Carrots:

Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene and lutein and beta carotene, both of which can help prevent the onset of macular degeneration. They are among the most beneficial foods to improve your eyesight and will improve your overall eye health.

  • Almonds:

Almonds are a great source of vitamins E along with omega-3 fats. They are extremely effective in the prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration that is caused by age. If you consume a handful of almonds each day, you will be able to say goodbye to all of your eye issues!

TIPS TO INCREASE the eyesight recommendated by Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in India.

  • Saunf-Mishri-Coconut Mukhwas:

Make one cup of Fennel Seeds Moti Saunf 3 cups of Dhagewali Mishri along with 3/4 cup coconut that has been grated. Blend all ingredients together and put them in a bottle. Take this mixture two times each day to increase your eye sight.

  • 20–20–20 Rule:

If you spend a significant amount of time with your phone or laptop you should start adhering to the rule of 20–20–20. According to the rule of thumb, you must be looking at a distance of that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds following all of 20 minutes on the screen. This is among the most effective ways to avoid dry eyes, blurred vision and other eye issues.

  • Trataka Yoga

Let’s adopt some of the old-fashioned wisdom to improve our eye health and to practice Trataka Yoga! Also known as focused gaze, Trataka Yoga strengthens your eyes and also treat and prevents eye problems. The practice of Trataka Yoga is very simple. All you need to do is lie in a comfortable spot and gaze towards the burning flame of the candle until your eyes begin to water. Then, close your eyes and focus on the image of the flames that is created by your brain. When the image begins to become blurry, lift your eyes and repeat the same pattern over and over. It’s not required to light candles. You can make use of anything to look at, including the point of your home, a moon, star or even a candle.

These are some tips suggested by D.T Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in Lucknow, India.

Luna Jaiswal
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