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Fiverr, what it is and how the freelance platform works

Fiverr, what it is and how the freelance platform works

Fiverr is a large online marketplace where you can find a wide variety of services that are within everyone’s reach.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr International Limited was founded in 2010 by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger and is based in Tel Aviv in Israel.

The site owes its name and popularity to the minimum price of $ 5 with which you can buy a service.

The services are offered by Sellers (sellers) that is, freelance workers of many nationalities with specific skills (even minimal) through (Gig). A Gig is every single service offered by a vendor.

The services offered on Fiverr are divided into categories and sub-categories. Currently, the categories provided are:

  • Graphics & Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Writing & Translation
  • Video & Animation
  • Music & Audio
  • Programming & Tech
  • Business
  • Lifestyle
  • Industries

Each of these categories has many sub-categories that represent the true strength of Fiverr.

By visiting the Fiverr website you can view the sub-categories present and get an idea of ​​the size of this platform for online work.

How does Fiverr work?

READ MORE:- https://techjustify.com/fiverr-what-it-is-and-how-the-freelance-platform-works/

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