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Top 5 Life Lessons Taught By Mark Manson

Top 5 Life Lessons Taught By Mark Manson

“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.”


Author of some of the most popular bestsellers, Mark Manson, who is also known as the accidental self-help entrepreneur. A writer whose words have healed many people and it indeed is a privilege to read his books. The way he writes about life and its problems, how to tackle negativity is something that we all should inculcate in our lives. He has written some of the best books and has sold millions of copies all over the world. A writer of the book, "The Subtle art of not giving a f***" and his book has covered all these theories in detail.


You can get this copy from online bookstores and it is available everywhere. If you were waiting for a sign to read this book, this is it. Here, we are going to talk about the top 5 life lessons taught by Mark Manson in his books:

1. Pick your battles wisely. Invest your energy where it matters.

A very important lesson that is being taught in his books is to pick battles wisely. When we are growing older, we want to become a multi-tasker, some of us at least and that messes up our schedule. It's better to organize better and then to prioritize your work. That will help you in shaping your way otherwise you will be confused and lost.


2. Failure is a part of life. Failure is how you learn and grow.

When we grow a little older or maybe when we are in our twenties, we become too hard on ourselves. It can be because of the way society has shaped our minds or it can be because of our inner beliefs. Among these, we often try hard to not fail and to not make mistakes. We should accept failure as a part of our life and this is something that Mark Manson has described beautifully in his books.

3. You can’t ever really “find yourself” because who you are will constantly change, and that’s a good thing.

One of my favorite quotes written by Mark Manson is this only. We try hard to find ourselves and it indeed is important to have that self-awareness of where we are and who we want to become. But at the same time, there should be enough space for evolution. You can't stay in one place forever. You will have to evolve and only then, you can grow and become a wise and beautiful person.


4. It’s important to stop and be content with what you have once in a while.

Another important topic that Mark Manson talks about is how we often forget to be grateful for little things while chasing the bigger ones. It is important to have gratitude for where you are and what you have become and how far you have come. In this way, you also thank your body and mind among the supporters. You can read more about this while reading his books.


5. And that caring less will only lead to better things.

The best advice ever given is to not care about what people say about you. No matter where you are, no matter whether you wear Gucci or just a roadside t-short, they are always going to judge. You should always focus on yourself and you should believe in yourself.


Mark Manson is one of the best author who has written books on self-help. You need to check out his books right now. Shop from online bookstores.

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