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Basic Facts on Frequent Testing of Covid-19

Complete Family Wellness
Basic Facts on Frequent Testing of Covid-19

One thing we know by this time- the only way to win the battle against the Covid-19 virus is to cooperate. Often we have heard “United we stand, divided we fall”, this is the time we need to understand the value of it. If all of us do not follow the rules of Covid-19 regulation, we cannot win against this virus. It is a highly infectious virus and can kill many people. We must get tested in the early stage of the disease. Search in Google, PCR rapid test near me. You should get tested even if you come in contact with an infected person. Moreover, you should remember to sanitize your hands frequently, wearing a mask and maintaining social distance in gathering is essential. If all of us do not follow the rules, it will be impossible for us to prevent the spreading of this virus. Scientists all across the world are spreading awareness about the importance of rapid, frequent and reliable testing. Testing will only help you to know whether you are infected or not.

Here are 3 major reasons behind frequent testing of the virus-:

  • All lives are valuable- Each life is precious. Testing is vital for both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Asymptomatic patients are unknown of their infection and spread the disease to healthy individuals. Common symptoms of covid-19 include runny nose, sore throat, weakness, muscle pain, fever etc. You should get tested in the early stage of the disease so that it does not take a severe direction. Apart from this, one should isolate them to prevent the disease from spreading to healthy individuals. Testing of the people coming in contact with the infected person is equally important. A negative does not indicate that you cannot have an infection in near future so, one must keep following the rules.
  • The testing procedure is painless and easy- The testing involves taking samples from the nostrils of a person. If the test reports show a positive indication of infection, you need to isolate yourself as early as possible and also tell others who came in contact with you, should get tested. This will prevent the chances of spreading the virus. Earlier, due to lack of supplies and limited capacity the process of sample collection and delivering the results was late. But nowadays, point-of-care tests are available that can provide results in less than 15minutes.
  • Testing is crucial for the most affected sections- Some individuals are at a higher risk of infection. This is because they do not have the privilege to work from home. They are the health care workers, laborers’, policemen etc. Even the people with co-morbidities like diabetes, cancer, HIV, blood pressure, thyroid etc are at the higher risk group as they are immune-deficient. People living in congested areas can also spread the virus to a lot of people.



We are clear of this fact by this time that if you have symptoms or come in touch with an infected person should get tested.

Complete Family Wellness
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