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Centerline Paving - Edmonton Asphalt Paving Company

Centerline Paving
Centerline Paving - Edmonton Asphalt Paving Company

Centerline Paving is a family-owned and operated company serving Edmonton and the surrounding areas. Our team is made up of asphalt specialists with more than 70 years of combined knowledge in the paving industry.

Centerline Paving provides both Commercial and Residential asphalt services. On the Commercial side, we do Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Repairs and Maintenance, Parking lot Maintenance, Asphalt Seal Coating, Hot Pour Crack Filling, Parking lot Sweeping, Line Painting, Excavation, Catch Basin Repair, and Installation. We can handle any size job with our in-house equipment and crew. We enjoy the challenge of doing residential work, it allows us the opportunity to excel for you our customers. We provide a full range of asphalt driveway services. New Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Rehabilitation, Overlays, Seal Coating, and Hot Pour Crack Filling.

Centerline Paving – Edmonton

Edmonton Paving Services

Edmonton Asphalt Services: Commercial – Residential – Industrial

780-739-3387 Edmonton & area

Asphalt Paving & Resurfacing, Pothole Repair, Asphalt Crack Repair, Asphalt Sealing, Parking Lot Curbs & Line Painting

Centerline Paving
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