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Why Google Ads Call-Only Ads Are Getting Clicks But No Calls?

SF Digital Studios
Why Google Ads Call-Only Ads Are Getting Clicks But No Calls?

Are you wondering why you are only getting clicks but no calls on your Google Ads?

Then, the critical area where you want to look is your IP. It has a link with the IP since there can be a lot of clicks coming at your ads from one single IP or even multiple IPs as well.

So, the best thing to do is exclude them the same way you do for your negative keywords. Google will block all such IPs that are clicking many times on your Google Ads.

What Else Can You Do?

Another thing that you can do apart from blocking the IP is you can also alter the message on the ad. It is because people might be clicking on your ads but not calling you since it is a two-step process. Upon the first click, Google will charge, after which it will prompt up the phone dialer.

That is when the user needs to click on the button to make a call. Therefore, if you change the text of the ad, there is a slight possibility that they might call you, but it is not a guaranteed solution.

The optimal thing to do at this point is to put a halt on the call ads for the moment and focus on either Responsive Search Ads (RSA) or Expanded Text Ads (ETA) that has the option for call extensions. This is due to the reason that it might redirect the traffic towards your landing page.

Read more: https://www.sfdigital.co.uk/blog/why-google-ads-call-only-ads-are-getting-clicks-but-no-calls/

SF Digital Studios
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