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7 Fun Activities to Help Seniors Feel Connected and Involved

Oakleigh of Macomb Senior Living
7 Fun Activities to Help Seniors Feel Connected and Involved

Do you feel like the senior in your life has fallen into a daily rut? Unfortunately, it’s common for older adults to fall into habits and routines that eventually wear them down. These routines can also have a negative impact on their mental and physical health. However, there are a variety of different activities that can improve your loved one’s quality of life.

1.    Gardening

If your senior loved one enjoys being outdoors, then gardening is an excellent activity. Even if they lack the physical capabilities for more difficult gardening activities, there are other gardening tasks. For example, there is watering, raking, and planting seeds.

2.    Higher Education

Does your loved one believe strongly in education? If so, then invite them to join ongoing lectures or continue their education in classroom settings. This is an excellent way to keep them mentally alert and engaged. There are also senior living apartments in Macomb that provide educational opportunities.

3.   Food, Meals, and Cooking

Maybe your loved one enjoys cooking or is a foodie. In that case, it might be a good idea to involve them in activities like meal planning, preparing meals, serving, baking, and cooking. Recipes can be either simple or complex. The benefits your loved one will experience will be the same either way. Whether cooking together or alone, this activity has the potential to be both stimulating and enjoyable.

4.    Musical Activities

Even in the advanced stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s, music-based activities can be highly beneficial. According to research, music therapy, as well as other forms of musical stimulation, have a profoundly positive impact on mental health. For example, happy feelings and memories can be triggered by listening to the right kinds of music.

5.    Pampering

Many people neglect self-care even when it’s sorely needed. There are all sorts of places providing self-care services: barbershops, salons, spas, etc. There are manicures, massages, skin treatments, haircuts, coloring, and more. In fact, some senior living apartments in Macomb offer self-care services on-site. This would be a great opportunity for your senior loved one to enjoy some pampering and feel cared for, as well as a chance to experience a new kind of social setting.

6.    Art

Your loved one’s artistic spirit can be channeled in a number of different ways. Here are just a few ideas:

●       Painting with acrylics or watercolors

●       Sketching and drawing – pencil, marker, crayon, or chalk, anything goes!

●       Knitting – patterns can be as basic or complex as they wish

●       Jewelry making

●       Pottery making

●       Any kind of crafting activity that helps to express their creativity


7.    Pet Therapy

Animals tend to bond with seniors much easier and can really help brighten their day. So if your senior loved one adores animals, then they should definitely consider getting a pet. However, if pet ownership isn’t an option, then spending time with any animals will still be beneficial. Certain senior living apartments in Macomb include pet therapy, bringing in well-trained and friendly animals (usually dogs or cats) to visit regularly.

Oakleigh of Macomb Senior Living
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