When it comes to maintaining your health, the number one recommendation a doctor gives is exercising daily. Even though most people might find work and busy schedules an excuse for not making it a habit, incorporating it as a routine could be a good starting point. So why is exercise highly recommendable health-wise? Exercising helps in keeping you healthy and also builds your self-confidence. There are several reasons why it is important. The major benefits of exercising are, maintaining your body weight, helping prevent chronic diseases, and building stronger muscles.
1. Helps in maintaining and controlling your body weight
Well, most people believe that a healthy diet is all you need to help you in controlling and maintaining your body weight. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not the case. To maintain your weight, diet goes hand in hand with exercising. The calories in your diet need to balance with the energy you use. People mistake going to work from morning to evening as enough exercise to burn calories. What if you are a secretary? It means that you are sitting the whole day. That is not enough physical activity to help burn calories. Exercising burns more calories than the intake in your diet, hence helping in weight loss and maintenance.
2. Helps in preventing chronic diseases increasing your life span
Have you ever asked yourself why some baby boomers suffer from chronic diseases while others are still perfectly healthy? Well, the answer is quite simple, lifestyle. People have different lifestyle habits, others are healthy while others are not. Exercising is a healthy lifestyle to embrace. It prevents an attack from diseases such as diabetes and different types of cancer. You become vulnerable to chronic diseases as you get older because of reduction in blood circulation. If you make exercising a habit, your blood circulation will increase and reduce attacks from these diseases. Most people who do not exercise are susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. Exercising strengthens your heart hence it is almost impossible for you to suffer from heart diseases. The question is how exercise will help people who are chronic disease patients. Well, it is never too late to start, exercising helps maintain the diseases and it will be hard for them to overwhelm you.
3. Helps in building stronger muscles and keeps you looking better
People with well built-muscles that are well-toned tend to be very attractive. Regular exercising will help you build strong muscles and maintain density as you age. As you engage in your daily routines, you are usually exhausted by the end of the day. Most people cannot engage in their favorite activities due to fatigue. The benefit of exercising is that it helps build stronger muscles that help manage body pain hence you can participate in social activities.
Regular exercise has a lot of health benefits. It helps maintain body weight, prevents chronic diseases, and builds stronger muscles. An amazing fact about exercising is that you will still be very healthy even at old age.