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How to Do D-Link Router Port Forwarding

jacab jones
How to Do D-Link Router Port Forwarding

D-Link DSL-225 routers have a particular firewall that helps you in protecting your network from unauthorized access by an unknown user. It prohibits all incoming connections, which you may need for apps and games. The process to open the port is called D-Link Router port forwarding. This involves forwarding a port to the internet to your home network. 

Step 1: It is necessary to set up a static IP address for the device you are going to forward the ports to. Please make sure that the ports will remain open even when your device restarts. Once you are done setting up a static IP address, you must log in to your router. 

Step 2: Once you are done with the first step, then you need to log into your router. Open your internet browser and then log into the web interface of your D-Link router. This includes Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. You can choose any browser you want. The type of browser does not matter.

Launch your internet browser and then go to the URL section of the browser. There, you need to enter the IP address of your Dlink DSL-225 router. The IP address of your router is also known as the default gateway. 

Once you are done entering the IP address, you need to press enter. After that, you will be asked to enter the username and password. The default username is admin and the default password is also admin. 

jacab jones
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