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How to Turn On HP Laptop Keyboard Light Laptop

jacab jones
How to Turn On HP Laptop Keyboard Light Laptop

You need to know how to turn on the keyboard light of your HP laptop. Here in this guide, you will learn the easiest method to turn on HP laptop keyboard lights. So, let's get started.

If there is a power cut at home or you are sitting in a dark place, then you won't be able to see the keyboard keys properly. Keyboard lights make it easier for you to see all the keys and do the typing work. HP laptop keyboards have lighting effects that give an eye-catchy and attractive appearance to the laptop. 

How to Turn On HP Laptop Keyboard Lights? 

Not every HP laptop has a lighting function, therefore you must consider this point before you go ahead and purchase a laptop. If you wish to learn how to turn on HP laptop keyboard lights by using a hardware key, then follow the steps mentioned below. 

If your HP laptop has a backlight keyboard, then you will see a backlight key on your keyboard. To turn on or turn off keyboard lights, you need to press the function key and F5 simultaneously. 

If you wish to adjust the backlights of your HP laptop, then you need to press the F3 key on your keyboard.

jacab jones
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