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Devansu Rathva Biography, age ,girlfriend and education

Devansu Rathva
Devansu Rathva Biography, age ,girlfriend and education

Devansu Rathva Biography, age ,girlfriend and education YouTube life

Devansu Rathva full name: Devansu kumar vipinbhai Rathva

DEVANSU RATHVA NICKNAME: Devansu web , Deva ,Devu

Devansu Rathva born date : 24 February 2003 (vododara, thalki Chhotaudepur at) 2022 (19)

Devansu Rathva girlfriend: hetvi Bhatt ( 10,11 and 12 th ) heer baria (8,9 )

College girlfriend names : apexaba and dhara

Education: b.com (tcc)

Devansu Rathva is an Indian YouTuber

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