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MRI Scan

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that creates detailed images of the inside of your body using powerful magnets, radio waves, and a computer.

MRI produces high-quality images of organs, tissues, and bones by using radio waves in a controlled environment. In Delhi, you can schedule an MRI test.

Benefits of MRI Scan

1 A noninvasive, painless imaging procedure that does not require radiation exposure

2 MRI pictures of soft-tissue parts of the body, such as the heart, liver, and many other organs, are more likely than other imaging technologies to accurately diagnose and define disorders.

3 A useful instrument for diagnosing a variety of illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, muscle and bone problems, and many more.

4 The biliary system can be assessed using an MRI scan that is noninvasive and does not require contrast injection.

5 For diagnosing abnormalities with the heart and blood vessels, as well as several other body areas, an MRI scan is a noninvasive alternative to x-ray, angiography, and CT.

6 MRI Scan can detect deformities that might be unclear by bone with other imaging methods.

The MRI scan is an important tool for doctors to use in identifying and diagnosing a variety of illnesses. This image diagnostics approach outperforms a CT scan because it generates 3D images with greater depth and clarity for diagnosis.

Magnetic and radio waves provide clear, digital images of the target area that are projected onto a display screen. The procedure takes about 30 minutes on average, however it can take longer depending on the medical condition and the type of MRI test ordered.

An MRI scan is known to be harmless to the human body as it does not emit radiation or harmful rays. However, due to the strong magnetic fields, patients with the following issues cannot undergo this test. 

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