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Full Body MRI Scan Test in Delhi | Ganesh Diagnostic Centre (GDC)

Ganesh Diagnostic
Full Body MRI Scan Test in Delhi | Ganesh Diagnostic Centre (GDC)

MRI scan is a non-invasive and painless procedure. Once the procedure of MRI Scan is done the radiologist examines all the images and to check whether any other images are required or not. And there are very less chances of getting any side effects through this MRI scan. Apart from it those people who have claustrophobia, feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces. To avoid these side effects you can visit the Ganesh diagnostic centre which is the best mri centre at a low price in Delhi NCR India.

MRI tests provide the best and clear result than a CT scan. In most of the situation when the doctors do not find all the information that they want, they will suggest you to do MRI scan instead of CT Scan 

Some of the points that you should remember when you go to the MRI Centre 

  • You would not be able to eat food for 2 or more hours before MRI
  • You must wear some simple loose cloth or a patient gown and lock up your all personal belonging (jewellery and valuable things) 
  • In case of claustrophobia if you required anti-anxiety medication contact your ordering physician for a prescription
  • If there is any metal in your body it is must to inform during the time of appointment.

Ganesh Diagnostic
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