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How to Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia

darren Ray
How to Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia

Alzheimer’s and dementia are two of the biggest risks to the mental health of older people. Understandably, many people want to know how to ward them off. This raises an important question; can Dementia be prevented?


Some people will be more pre-disposed to diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. But that doesn’t mean that there is no point in taking preventative action. There are plenty of ways that you can lower the risks. 

One of the best examples of this is exercise. This activity is one of the best ways to get the blood pumping around your body. This is essential for maintaining strong neural connections in the brain. It will also have an impact on your sleep patterns. This could explain why people who are in good physical condition are less likely to get these conditions. 

Maintain Strong Social Bonds

It’s also important to make sure that you keep challenging yourself. Part of this can be done alone. You will be able to do things like crosswords or solving puzzles. But you will get more benefits from being part of social interaction. Friendship groups will be a good way of testing yourself. You will need to remember complex bonds and interactions. 

Plus, it can be good to have people who can point out if your mental health starts to decline. Often early detection will be the key to managing these diseases. If caught early enough, there are some medications you can use to try and slow its progression.  

Protect Your Head

It’s important to protect your head from injuries. The good news is that this is one of the easiest risk factors to control. Simple actions like wearing a helmet or putting on a seatbelt will make a big difference. If you do have a head collision, make sure to get it looked at by a doctor. They will be able to create a treatment plan that minimizes the long-term impact of these problems. 

Using a Hyperbaric Chamber

Each year, there is new research being done into how to manage cognitive decline. This has led to hyperbaric oxygen treatment for dementia. This will require you to lie in a chamber where the oxygen concentration is significantly higher than the outside world. This increases the amount of oxygen that you will be absorbing. This has a significant impact on the brain, which needs a large amount of oxygen to thrive. 

If you already have the disease, it can be an effective hyperbaric oxygen treatment for dementia. On the other hand, regular hyperbaric chamber for Alzheimers sessions can reduce your chance of the illness developing. However, this is something that is still being studied. Because of this, it’s important to talk to your doctor and see whether this approach is right for you. 


Alzheimer’s and dementia are the leading cause of cognitive decline in older people. There is no way to completely prevent them. But there are several ways that you can reduce the risk and slow their progress. Hopefully, these tips will help you stay mentally healthy as you age. 

darren Ray
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