Tony Cederwall is a professional real estate agent based in Mairangi Bay, North Shore. He works for Barfoot & Thompson North Shore, one of New Zealand’s largest privately-owned real estate company for nearly 100 years. They currently sell one in three houses in Auckland.
Tony Cederwall moved to Mairangi Bay in 1987. He studied accountancy and management at university and worked for a number of companies before starting his own. Today, he has been running his own business for 22 years.
As a resident Mairangi bay real estate agent, he is equipped with the necessary skills to sell consistently. He has proven skills in selling, customer services, banking, and people management.
Today, he is an experienced salesperson who works hard to negotiate the best possible prices for homes. He understands that the process of buying and selling property can be a stressful ordeal, but with the right tools, techniques, and a positive mindset, he can help you sell your homes and get exceptional prices for them.
His success is rooted in experience, passion, innovation, and empathy. He strives to understand each of his client’s story, learn what their requirements are and what they may need in the future.
To browse property listings or houses for sale in North Shore, visit his website at https://www.tonycederwall.co.nz/.
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