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Best Hair Transplant In India

Pritam Kumar
Best Hair Transplant In India


Hair fall is one of the common problems among the youngsters. Sainath Skin and Hair clinic offers one of the best treatment of hair transplant in Patna. The hospital is led by a great team of experienced dermatologists and trichologists. In order to provide cutting-edge treatment we are equipped with high-end technologies and upgraded equipment. Our team of experts perform the surgery to fill the bald area with thin or no hair. The procedure followed by our experts includes cleaning of scalp and injections of medicines to the numb a back area of the head. During the procedure our specialist may uses any of the transplant method of follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). The technique are primarily is used for treating male pattern baldness, under which grafts with hair follicles are transplanted to the bald section of the head.

We at Sainath skin and hair clinic are committed to cater excellence among the needed one. Treatment of diseases like Alopecia areata, Androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), Scarring (cicatricial) alopecia, congenital hypotrichosis, Telogen effluvium and many more is provided by us. Treatment provided by our experts include GFC Therapy, PRP Therapy for hair, Anti-aging treatment, Chemical peel, Radio frequency, laser therapy for hair, Hair loss treatment, trichology, Plasma pen treatment, Eczema, skin rejuvenation, hair transplant and many more. If you are looking for one of the best clinic that provide most effective hair loss treatment at minimal price range, Sainath skin and hair care is the name you can rely on. Our team of professionals focuses on each and every aspects of hair growth and thus provide required treatment. Dr.Avhinash Kumar Pandey and Dr. Pritam Kumar altogether established the hospital with an aim to deliver treatment of international standard right in the heart of the city.



Pritam Kumar
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