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Are Slack and Microsoft Teams similar?

Arun Jyothi
Are Slack and Microsoft Teams similar?

Are Slack and Microsoft Teams similar?


Yes, Slack and Microsoft Teams are similar from a usage standpoint. However, from a feature or technology perspective, they are different. The following are the similarities and differences between Microsoft Teams and Slack.


·       Both Slack and Microsoft Teams are business chat apps with video-conferencing capabilities

·       Users can chat with other users, share files, and create groups.

·       Both Slack and Teams users can use the apps for video conferencing

·       Both have marketplaces and support third-party integrations

·       Admins can organize and control how they Can use these apps.


·       Microsoft Teams is heavily integrated with SharePoint and Microsoft Calendar

·       Users can schedule meetings from Microsoft Teams directly

·       Teams support more concurrent conference users than Slack

·       Microsoft Teams has “Teams” while Slack has “Channels.”

·       Microsoft Teams is a part of Microsoft 365 (comes with email and cloud storage), and Slack is purely a chat and collaboration app.


Are you looking to Slack vs. teams? Read our migration guide.


Arun Jyothi
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