The biggest mistake that people normally make when they buy a health plan is to go for a coverage amount that is not at all sufficient for their needs in this regard. This is because people in India are worried more about saving money on premiums rather than getting proper coverage from their health plans. This is the reason why they have no qualms about insufficient coverage if they can somehow save a few rupees here and there with that. The cost of the premium is indeed an important factor in these cases but it must not be the sole determinant.
Only settling for basic coverage
This is also a major mistake that people make when it comes to health insurance policies. Experts always recommend that people get the most comprehensive coverage that they can afford in these cases. However, people in India seem to be unfazed by such suggestions simply because – we once again get back to the point that we mentioned in the first paragraph – they are more bothered with saving as much money as they can on the premiums of these policies.
Not reading the terms and conditions properly
Even if you are buying the Arogya Sanjeevani policy this is one mistake that you must not at all make. Most of the people who buy these policies are always more interested to know what the policy covers. They have little interest in knowing what is not covered by the same. There is nothing to deny the fact that you need to know what the policy covers. However, you should also know what is excluded by the policy. It is just as – if not more – important. It is highly possible that when you bought the policy you missed out on reading the fine print. However, in that case, you should at least use the free look period.
If you are stuck with the same insurer for a long time you could be making a bigger mistake than you actually know. This is why it makes sense to come and visit platforms such as PhonePe from time to time to check out the latest offers from the best health insurers here in India. People are hesitant to change their insurer because they are more or less satisfied with what their insurer has provided them with in these policies. However, this is a mistake and it is important that you at least consider other options when you renew the policy.