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Dependable Disability Support Services in Victoria | Auslife

Auslife Care
Dependable Disability Support Services in Victoria | Auslife

Auslife Disability Support Workers: People Who Care

An inspiring, vibrant, and deeply devoted team of disability services providers who are not only well-trained professionals, but are truly committed to empowering, uplifting and supporting our patients and their families with heartfelt respect, care, and authenticity. Included in our list of support services for disability are respite care, social and community participation, SIL, and other disabled care. Our team acknowledges the sacredness of all beings and cherishes the unique dignity and spirits of every person through our carefully planned disability services.

  • Provide disability support services with cultural sensitivity & acuity
  • Empowering engagement and promoting independence
  • Mindful communication; clear and sensitive to the needs of the client
  • Support meaningful interaction
  • Inclusive and respectful practices with family members
  • Professional license and certified team

Start reaching your life goals by partnering with Auslife Disability Care – the best disability services near you!

Reasons Why You Should Choose Auslife Care

We make efforts to change the way that disability support services are offered in order to meet the changing needs of our patients, both for the present and the future.


Get the best disability services near you from our experienced experts in the caregiving industry.

Personalised care

When working with disabilities, we give our best to design and deliver the care and support you need, empowering you to live life your way.


We have a dedicated team across the state, so you can access a broad range of disability respite services in more locations.


We provide expert advice and information to guide you on every step of the way and help make things simpler for you.


We are driven by a passion to support people to regain and retain their independence within a supportive community, by providing choices and services for people living with a disability or other personal needs.

Auslife Care
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