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5 Unique Career Paths to Consider

Hannah Boothe
5 Unique Career Paths to Consider

A career path is a collection of roles held as you advance in your area. For instance, your first job or a college degree may signal the start of your professional path. As your knowledge and abilities increase, you may advance or move vertically into more sophisticated jobs. Additionally, some individuals "laterally" into comparable but distinct job responsibilities when specializing or altering professional trajectories.

The following are five unusual career paths to consider:

1. Manager of Medical and Health Services

Health care is a large and complex industry. Providing treatment for patients is simply a tiny portion of what we do. Additionally, there is the administrative job of organizing visits, collecting money, maintaining medical records, and communicating with other care providers. All of these activities are overseen by medical and health services managers. It frees up time for healthcare professionals to spend with their patients.

Medical and health services managers operate in various health care facilities that house a large number of patients and professionals. It comprises physician groups, hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes.

2. Specialist in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has evolved from a term to reality in today's digitally connected society. For example, all of the applications that we use daily, such as Google Voice Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, and Apple's Siri, rely on AI algorithms.

Today, employment sites feature over one lakh active AI Specialist positions, and this need will only continue to rise.

Pursuing one of these popular careers will enable students to have lucrative and recession-resistant jobs in the future. provides upskilling opportunities for professionals and recent graduates in emerging technologies such as Data Science, People Analytics & Digital HR, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Business Analytics, to name a few.

3. Actor

An actor is in charge of interpreting a part for theater, television, cinema, or any other production medium. If you're wondering how to become an actor you should know their key responsibilities include remembering and rehearsing lines and consulting with the director on how to represent a character most effectively.

4. Doula

For millennia, women have aided one another throughout pregnancy and delivery. A doula is a woman who provides professional prenatal and postpartum assistance. She is not a medical professional. She is just a source of support for the expecting mother. Along with emotional and physical support, a doula may assist a mother with research and discovering critical facts. A doula's services are often divided into pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum assistance. 

Throughout pregnancy, she may support the pregnant woman in locating healthcare providers, creating a birth plan, choosing a birthing site, and making other educated choices. During labor, a doula's primary emphasis is on the mother's emotional and physical needs. Her responsibilities are various. They may include adhering to the mother's birth plan, giving her ice chips, and stroking her back during contractions.

A postpartum doula aids the mother, her spouse, and their other children to adjust to life with a baby at home. The doula may provide nursing support, minor cleaning work, food preparation, and even comfort the baby while the mother showers.

Typically, a doula must finish a brief training program. There is no set educational program. However, DONA International and Childbirth International are two significant organizations that provide training and credentials. Numerous institutions also offer their own on-campus and online programs to prepare you for this professional path.

5. Logistician

Supply chains are the networks businesses utilize to get the materials necessary to manufacture a product and distribute that product to customers. Supply networks are sometimes exceedingly lengthy and complicated, with several linkages.

Even if the product is basic, such as a table, it requires someone to chop the wood, mill it into lumber, assemble the timber into tables, and retailers sell the tables. And each phase involves transporting goods and products by trucks, railroads, or ships.

A malfunction with a single link in a supply chain may destabilize the whole system. For example, during the COVID-19 epidemic, automobiles were in low supply owing to shortages of the computer chips employed in their designs.

Logisticians aid in the prevention of such issues. They manage and maintain supply networks. A logistician handles a product's life cycle, from construction to delivery.


Different professional routes might result in a broad range of earnings. You can search for average salaries by job title, employer, and area on Indeed Wages. It might serve as a decent beginning point for estimating how much money you'll make when you initially begin and earn potential after gaining some time and expertise. While money does not always equate to interesting, fulfilling work, it is essential to consider it while charting your professional path.

Hannah Boothe
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