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Shipleys menu offers more than 60 varieties of donuts


That’s right. We also have a numerous range of kolaches, gourmet pastries, cake donuts, filled donuts, coffee cakes, and beverages. You can literally eat a donut for an entire month and still have months to go before you are done with every item on our product. Try it, we dare you.


Not to mention, once you try some of our bestsellers such as classic glazed, beignets, and kolaches, you will keep coming back for more. At MyShipleyDonuts, promise to satiate your taste buds with every item and keep you coming back for more.

 With more than 60 varieties of donuts on it, the Shipley Donuts menu is probably one of the most exciting things you will ever see. It contains a range of delicacies besides donuts too. You can find a variety of kolaches, beignets, coffee cakes, pastries, and beverages in a Shipley Donuts menu. You can literally indulge in a delicacy every day for a month and still have days to go before you have tried every single item on the Shipley Donuts menu.




shipley donuts prices are easier on the pocket


You can not get prices like this anywhere else. Whether you are looking for freshly baked donuts or are in the mood for kolaches, you can get them at MyShipleyDonuts at affordable prices. Our dozen donut packs are priced at $9.99. You can get your hands on our special donut packs for a few extra dollars.


What are you waiting for? Visit MyShipleyDonuts and get your hands on the freshest of snacks at incredible prices.



Shipley's prices are incredibly easy on your pocket


Shipley’s prices are so low you can’t help but be surprised. Our menu is filled with delicacies that are guaranteed to keep you coming back. And the best part is that all the items on the Shipley Donut menu are affordable. Don’t believe us? Come check out MyShipleyDonuts in Houston and we promise you that you will be a regular at both our outlets. 

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