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Portfolio Manager Registration - Types, Requirement, and Process

Shivendra Kumar
Portfolio Manager Registration - Types, Requirement, and Process

We make Portfolio Manager Registration easy and hassle-free. Click here to know its type, requirements, and process. Get Portfolio manager registration now from best consultants with SEBI rules. According to SEBI (Portfolio Manager Registration), 1993 portfolio manager is a corporate body that conforms to a contract or arrangement with the client, advises/directs/undertakes on behalf of the client, the management/administration of the portfolio of securities/client’s funds.

In simpler words, a professional individual who makes investment decisions and carries out investment activities on behalf of a person or institution is termed a portfolio manager.

What are the rules that govern the services of the portfolio manager?

The agreement or contract between the portfolio manager and client governs the services of the portfolio manager.

What is the capital adequacy requirement for a portfolio manager registration?

As prescribed in Clause (g) of Regulation (6), the capital adequacy must not be less than the net worth of Rs 50 lakhs.

Requirements For Portfolio Manager Registration

The applicant must be a corporate body.

An applicant must be a fit and proper individual.

The capital adequacy must not be below a net worth of Rs 50 lakh.

The candidate should possess the office space, equipment, and workforce to discharge the activity appropriately.

The applicant, his partner, director/ principal officer must not engage in any litigation connected to the securities market.

An applicant must have at least two employees comprising experience to conduct the business of a portfolio manager. 

An applicant, his partner, director, a principal officer must not be guilty of any economic offense or moral depravity.

The applicant must have obtained the professional qualification from the government-recognized institution in finance, accounting, law, or business management.

A grant of the certificate to the applicant must be in the investor’s interest.

Shivendra Kumar
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