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Top 10 Tips for Managing a Remote Software Development Team

Maria Fallther
Top 10 Tips for Managing a Remote Software Development Team

Businesses and entrepreneurs from the G7 countries and other locations hire remote teams to develop their software offshore. But before you choose a development company to work with, you need to understand how to manage remote workers to make this collaboration effective and productive. We cover the top 10 best practices for managing remote employees to equip you with tools and advice for better development team management.

Organize your collaboration with a remote team

Remote work is growing in popularity. In a recent poll from Gallup, 37% of respondents said they already did some type of remote work. Obviously, going remote is the best way to go but of course, let us recognize the fact that it has its challenges. Once you decide to go remote, it can be difficult to approach organizational issues that come with managing remote employees all across the world.

Tip 1. Schedule communications

Your remote team will be working from a different location and probably a different time zone. Strictly keeping to scheduled meetings will help you organize your day and your team’s workflow. Not having timely meetings can cause gaps in communication, delaying the launch of your project.

Ukraine is conveniently located within three time zones of the rest of Europe, which is why many clients choose software development companies in Ukraine.

Tip 2. Tools for remote teams

Tools are essential for remote team collaboration as they help you structure your team’s work. An effective remote team will have a set of tools: an email service, file sharing capabilities, an instant messaging platform, project management software, video conferencing, and anything else that’s required.

Many collaboration tools exist to support well-structured communication.

Read more - How to manage remote developers

Maria Fallther
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