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Corporate Social Responsibility - farz.ae

Farz Material Recovery Facility

We strongly believe in the importance of integrating socially beneficial programs into our business with over 20 Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives every year.For more details visit


Farz is the leading fully automated material recovery facility in Dubai, UAE. 

Farz employs the latest technologies and has the most efficient recovery rate among other MRFs in the UAE. It is capable of handling 1,200 tonnes per day of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The plant uses an automated system to maximise the range of materials that it is able to efficiently recover. These materials are HDPE (high density polyethylene), PET, Aluminium, Ferrous materials, OCC and Wood and PE bags. For more details visit: https://www.farz.ae/

FARZ has the most efficient recovery rate of any Materials Recovery Facility in the UAE and has two separate lines, one to deal with household waste and the other focusing on commercial and industrial waste.

The plant uses an automated system to maximise the range of materials that it is able to efficiently recover. These materials are HDPE (high density polyethylene), PET, Aluminium, Ferrous materials, OCC and Wood and PE bag

Farz Material Recovery Facility
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