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What is the Gojek Clone App? Why is it Essential For Delivery Business?

Apptunix Pvt. Ltd.
What is the Gojek Clone App? Why is it Essential For Delivery Business?

Gojek clone is an app that enables you to integrate all on-demand service offerings under one roof. Gather sufficient support to launch your on-demand business venture on the right foot. Our app promises a customer inclined approach for better revenue-earning and streamlines business management with featured solution support. It consists of all the required Gojek like app development solutions that your business needs to get transformed into a complete on-demand service provider of today. Wish to launch a robust Gojek Clone App? Let’s start a pleasant discussion. 



The Gojek clone app is one of the most streamlined systems that allows the users to hire service providers instantly using their own smartphones. The Gojek clone app allows service providers to find jobs also very easily. 

Systematic searches

The app comprises some of the best algorithms that make sure that every request using the app is done in the most systematic way. The closest requests are met with service providers that are within the radius of action for the same. 

More scope of making revenue

The Gojek clone app allows service providers to make sure that they can grow their income potential. Instead of serving just one kind of service or making money off of one kind of service, the service provider can offer multiple services and make more money. As the service providers earn more, so does the app owner. 

Revenue sharing model

Unlike other business models, the Gojek clone app is based on the revenue sharing model, which allows all the service providers registered within the app to make sure that they can act as independent entrepreneurs and charge as much as they like to earn. The service provider can make their own money and the app owner can charge a commission based on how much ever they like to earn. 

Wish to launch a robust Gojek Clone App? Let’s start a pleasant discussion. 

Apptunix Pvt. Ltd.
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