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How to increase website traffic without SEO

Ramya sai
How to increase website traffic without SEO

SEO strategies are a powerful way to improve your traffic but you have to always cope with the regular Google algorithm updates. Also, it will take at least a few months to get rewards from your search engine optimization techniques. So, relying only on SEO strategies may have a risk of losing potential customers and website traffic.

If you have diversifying website traffic sources then regular Google algorithm updates can not affect your website engagement metrics. This is the reason why marketers concentrate on tips and trends to engage users without SEO traffic.

These other channel traffic will keep your website running until you receive organic traffic from search engines. Apart from conversions and brand exposure, these tips will increase social media presence and link building which will have an effect on fastening your search engine optimization process. 

Checking your website traffic will give insights like where your traffic is coming from, visitors engagement rate, bounce rate, and what marketing techniques are working. You can know where your site stands, and how to improve.

There are many free tools that can help you to check website traffic. One of the popular tools is Google Analytics which is free, easy, and quick to adopt and access. It gives you varied data like the number of visitors, session duration, bounce rate, traffic sources, and more. You can also check infographics like graphs, and bars that can help to understand metrics easily. 

Click on the link to know more: https://www.truepush.com/blog/increase-website-traffic/

Ramya sai
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