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Tracking Employee Vacation and Sick Leaves

Tracking Employee Vacation and Sick Leaves

When it comes to employee vacation and sick leave, most companies and organisations have set limits. These restrictions may be imposed by a variety of circumstances, including company policies, personnel positions, and, in certain cases, legal requirements.

In any case, you must keep track of your own or your workers' vacation and sick days. This will make it easier to keep track of absences. You'll also be able to correctly allocate resources, arrange workflow, oversee payroll, monitor staff productivity, and ensure that all financial aspects are managed.

How do you go about doing it?

Using Centreli time tracking software to track employee vacation and sick days is far more helpful and easier than doing so manually. Why? Because when used in conjunction with time monitoring, it makes it easier to see who is on vacation or sick leave.

To begin, these functions are linked to one another to make time monitoring and absence management easier. Centreli allows you and your team to manage not only vacation and sick days, but also holidays, business travels, remote work, and special leave days.

These are simple steps to follow:

1.  You must enable it in the attendance module, which can be found in the add-ons area (it's fairly easy to discover in settings) to track employee vacation and sick leaves.

2. Then, from your users' structure, select the group to which the settings (as shown below) should be applied.

3. Determine whether the attendance module should be based on data from the desktop application or timesheets.

4. Set the tone for the holidays. and select the holiday task — the entire day will be designated as a holiday once you've submitted it in your timesheet.

5 .Set the length of the workday as the default.

6. Tell us how many vacation hours your group should get.

Choose a Employee Sick Leave Tracking system that will allow you to relax and record the employee leaves in a easy and efficient manner which leads to proper record keeping and reduced work load.

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