There are much better ways to be able to track the time that employees spend actually working than having them punch a card or their way in or out of the workplace. The card system that’s potentially over 100 years old is still in place at a ton of factories across the globe. It’s rather ironic that some of the plants that produce high-tech equipment still use primitive technology. With remote work continuing to be on the rise, the need for an effective way to track employee hours even for people who are never on site became a necessity for plenty of companies. Enter employee time tracking apps.
One thing that we want to point out is that employee time tracking apps have been in use for years. Of course, plenty of people who are currently scrambling to find an effective one may not know that because they never had to deal with remote workers. The reason why we point out that these have been around for a while is to say that there are plenty of good options out there. In fact, a lot of CRMs that are popular on the market come integrated with a time tracking app for employees. In some cases, it’s not an app per se, but the CRM manager can log in and look at the activity or at least the login, and log out times of every employee that used the system.
Should You Be Looking For An External Employee Time Tracking App?
There are plenty of CRM options that come with integrated employee time tracking apps. There’s a possibility though that the app or feature in this case included in the CRM doesn’t necessarily feature what you’re looking for. For example, the simple feature may just allow employees to clock in or clock out. While an external app may be literally taping the activity that each employee is undertaking through their computer screen.
There are other instances in which time tracking apps will take screenshots of the employees’ screen to validate or discredit the idea that they were actually working. At the end of the day, it comes down to what you’re looking for as an employer. Saying that one option is better than the other can be quite a subjective statement. Visit to learn more.
Is It Worth It To Even Implement One?
It all comes down to the type of work that your employees are doing. Time tracking apps can work wonders for employees in customer service roles. You want to ensure that they were in fact online and answering the message boards or whatever it may be. If your employees are working on projects that have specific deadlines, then there could be arguments where it wouldn’t make as much sense to implement this type of app. Even if the employee is charging an hourly fee for their work, you’ll know by the deadline if the project is completed or not. In any case, these types of apps certainly serve a purpose and can help keep track of the payroll as well.