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Buy MMB2101 online

Buy MMB2101 online

MDMB-CHMICA (also incorrectly known as MMB-CHMINACA) is an indole-based synthetic cannabinoid that is a potent agonist of the CB1 receptor and has been sold online as a designer drug.While MDMB-CHMICA was initially sold under the name “MMB-CHMINACA”, the compound corresponding to this code name (i.e. the isopropyl instead of t-butyl analogue of MDMB-CHMINACA) has been identified on the designer drug market in 2015 as AMB-CHMINACA. Buy MMB2101 online at Online Super Chemicals

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MB-2201 (also known as 5F-MMB-PICA5F-AMB-PICA, and I-AMB) is a potent indole-3-carboxamide based synthetic cannabinoid, which has been sold as a designer drug and as an active ingredient in synthetic cannabis blends. It was first reported in Russia and Belarus in January 2014, but has since been sold in a number of other countries. In the United States, MMB-2201 was identified in Drug Enforcement Administration drug seizures for the first time in 2018.

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