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Ionizer Filters | Ionizer Water Filter System Online Australia

Ionizer Filters | Ionizer Water Filter System Online Australia

Tyent water ionizer creates exceptional quality water. Double filtered water ionizer creates water that is rich in antioxidants and minerals. 11- Platinum-coated titanium solid hybrid plates are dipped into water to purify water. The pH range varies from 1.5 to 11.5 and the ORP range varies from +500 to -1200.

You have to spend no extra money to clean chemicals. 100% automatic cleaning feature is available in our alkaline water filters in Australia. Our water ionizer has advanced interactive touch screen technology.

Looking for a healthier way to drink the safest water at home? Tyent Australia is the right place. Contact us for a better life.

water ionizer filters australia

Tyent water ionizer creates exceptional quality water. Double filtered water ionizer creates water that is rich in antioxidants and minerals. 11- Platinum-coated titanium solid hybrid plates are dipped into water to purify water. The pH range varies from 1.5 to 11.5 and the ORP range varies from +500 to -1200.

You have to spend no extra money to clean chemicals. 100% automatic cleaning feature is available in our alkaline water filters in Australia. Our water ionizer has advanced interactive touch screen technology.

Looking for a healthier way to drink the safest water at home? Tyent Australia is the right place. Contact us for a better life.

water ionizer filters australia

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