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Benefits Of RO Water Purifier

Pearl water technologies22
Benefits Of RO Water Purifier

What is RO Water Purifiers?

RO Water Purifier works on the principle of Reverse Osmosis (RO) for the purification of contaminated water. RO is the highly used, most effective water purification. This method is recommended by professionals due to the success of the method of water purification. The benefits of RO-purified water are unyielding.

 A water purification system moves water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. Respectively, water molecules move to the other side of the membrane, by leaving dissolved salts and other impurities.

Primary Filters in RO Purifiers

Ø Sediment Filters: A sediment filter is a method in which dust and dirt particles are removed from the water.

Ø Carbon Filters: Carbon filtration is the process that uses activated carbon in the filtration process for removing chemicals from water.

Ø Cartridge Filter: We can call the cartridge filter the heart of the filter. It is equipment that is used to remove unwanted particles or sediments from Liquids.

Ø RO Membrane: RO membranes are capable of removing 90–99 percent of contaminants such as total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water supply.

Ø Alkaline Filters: It is a kind of mineral cartridge, that gives a soothing and sweet taste to the drinking water.

Advantages of Filtered Water over Boiled Water

·  Boiled water just aims to remove bacteria, it doesn’t remove heavy metals such as lead, etc.

·  RO Water Purifier for home removes impurities, chemicals, and microorganisms from the water.

·  The process of filtration makes the water pathogen free.

·  Boiling water doesn’t help with fluoride levels, in fact, it increases the fluoride levels.


·  RO Water Purifiers remove 99% of bacteria, which reduces the risk of water infectious diseases.

·  Helps to regulate the body temperature.

·  Reduction in skin problems.

·  Removes the dissoluble solids in water.

·  They are cost-effective.

·  Requires minimal maintenance.

·  Also have a good storage capacity.

·  Water purifier for home filtration capacity is high.


Reverse osmosis is a method of filtration that removes harmful elements from water making it fit for drinking. There are multiple stages in the filtration process i-e sediment filtration, carbon filtration, RO membrane, and carbon polishing filter. Filtered water is way better than boiled water as it removes 99% of the water's impurities. RO purifiers not only remove contaminants but also retain some other essential elements in the water.

REFERENCE LINK: https://www.bloglovin.com/@pearlwatertechnologies22

Pearl water technologies22
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