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Build your dream website with WordPress

Intuitive Web Design
Build your dream website with WordPress

Do you have any thoughts about creating a website? Setting up the website is a daunting task, mainly when you are setting it on WordPress. But, using WordPress is not a tough task, it is user-friendly, and anyone with proper knowledge can do it. Let us understand the website creation on WordPress, from its benefits to the procedure.


What is a WordPress website? 

WordPress is a content management system, and it allows to host and build of websites. These contain templates and plugins through which you can customize your website. You can also understand this term by these simple words, it is an open platform that helps you build a website, and you can easily make websites for your businesses. WordPress is one of the most popular websites for the creation of websites. 


Benefits of choosing WordPress

WordPress is the most popular online platform which is used widely by many businesses. The reasons behind its popularity are broad. Here are some of the benefits of using website creation for WordPress



The first and foremost benefit is that WordPress is user-friendly. You can set up the website in a few minutes without technical expertise. 


Numer one ranking 

As you know about its popularity, it also has the number one ranking when it comes to the creation of a website. Various plugins are there through which it has a higher ranking. 


Variety of plugins and themes 

When you are using WordPress, you will see there are several plugins and themes which can help in solving every problem related to website creation. You can choose from the number of themes available, and the plugins will help to cater to the needs of your website. 



The websites you will create with WordPress are mobile-friendly, this is another benefit of using it.  


A step-by-step guide to creating a WordPress website


Select a domain name 

A domain name is the name of your business. This is the name by which your business will be known. When you are setting up a website first step towards it is selecting a domain name so that your audience can find you easily. You can choose the name you wish, but it should not be registered. While determining the domain name, you should remember these things- Your name should be unique and brandable, keep it short, and make sure the name you are selecting is pronounced appropriately. You can choose from the prospective name according to availability. 


Register the domain name and select the web hosting 

After selecting the domain name next step is to register it. There are various companies through which you can register your new domain name. You have to choose the most convenient company for the services. You can go for GODADDY. They are one of the popular web hosting providers and are cheap and beginner-friendly. Go to its website and choose the affordable package. Follow the step and create your account and submit your payment. After doing this, select the WordPress platform and name your website selecting the type- buying a domain or using an existing domain. When you are done, you will be on the GoDaddy dashboard. 


Select the theme for the website 

Now the next step is selecting the theme for your website. The designs here allow you to change how your website looks at the touch of a button. You can choose from the various popular free theme on WordPress. You can select them according to your preference. There are numerous other marketplaces through which you can determine your theme and one of the popular ones is ThemeForest. After determining the template, the next step is to install that theme. Go to the appearance, then themes, and click the add new. Then install the template you want by clicking the install button. The steps and price vary on the theme you are purchasing, whether it is free or premium. 


Installation of plugins 

Next, you have to install the plugins. The plugins will boost the functionality of your website, although it is optional. You can choose from the various plugins that appeal to you the most. Whether you want website traffic analysis or optimization, you can choose from tons of options. 


Design important site settings

Website settings are extremely crucial. You need to set your permalink first. It is vital as it decides the look of your website. This link is pivotal as it will tell your visitors where they are on your website. Go to your WordPress settings and then go to the permalink, following the custom structure. Enter the tag string. After doing that, save the changes. 


Set webpages 

Now that your website is ready, you should set the web pages of it. You should provide quality content and boost traffic and conversions. And once everything is complete, promote your website. 



You have a complete guide to building a WordPress website. You are now capable enough to set up your website. but If you are looking for a company who is providing web designing services then you should check Intuitive Web Design. We are providing web designing services for the past five years and have good knowledge and experience.

Intuitive Web Design
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