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Mayank Deep
What is an Exploit Kit?

An exploit kit is a utility tool that attackers use to run exploits against susceptible systems. Exploits are programmes that take advantage of software weakness. An item that takes advantage of a vulnerability in a program in order to make it act in an unexpected manner is referred to as an exploit. An exploit might take the form of a piece of code or a string of instructions. An exploit kit is a tool that simply collects and manages several exploits in a centralised location. They provide the function of a repository and make it simple for people who do not have a great deal of technical expertise to employ exploits.

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Investigating the Operation of Exploit Kits

When a person browses the internet in search of security holes, exploit kits function discreetly and automatically in the background to find vulnerabilities to exploit. Exploit kits are a popular method of distribution for remote access tools (RATs) and mass malware among cybercriminals. This method is especially popular among cybercriminals who are hoping to make a financial gain from an exploit.

It is not essential for victims to download anything in order to get infected with an EK since the infection might occur automatically. When a user accesses a website that has been hacked, the site's hidden code exploits the browser vulnerabilities that the user is using.

Before an attack using an exploit kit to be considered successful, a number of prerequisites need to be satisfied first.

  • Locating a website that has been hacked and then exploiting it in a sneaky way to direct traffic to a different location via data breach
  • Using a vulnerable application as a gateway in order to install malicious software on a computer that is the target of the attack
  • Transmitting a payload to the host in order to infect it in the case that the attack is successful



Infection Stages Of An Exploit Kit


Step 1: Contact

Spam emails and social engineering ploys are often used by the attacker to entice victims into clicking on a link to an exploit kit server. User clicks on malicious advertisements (malvertisements) that are embedded in an otherwise trustworthy site.


Step 2: Redirect

Victims who don't satisfy specific criteria are automatically excluded from the exploit kit generation process. Geolocation-based filtering may be used by exploit kit operators to target certain countries.


Step 3: Exploit

They are then sent to the landing page of the exploit kit. The attack's vulnerabilities are selected based on the landing page.


Step 4: Infect

The attacker may now download and run malware on the victim's system after successfully exploiting a vulnerability.


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Kits that are in High Demand

However, there is now a large variety of exploit kits that can be found on the internet. These exploit kits target a wide variety of security flaws. Exploit kits such as Angler, Magnitude, Nuclear, and Neutrino are among the most well-known names in the industry at the moment.

On the other hand, fortunes may change quickly in the crimeware underground, which can have an effect on the amount of certain exploit kits that are in circulation. After the operator of the Blackhole kit was apprehended, the situation went from being a significant threat to the security of the facility to being almost irrelevant very instantly.


Defending Against Exploit Kits

An exploit kit placed on a website can only target your device twice in a row, or two consecutive chances, or exposures:

  • Exploit Kit First Exposure: You visit a website containing an exploit kit
  • An unpatched vulnerability in your device may be exploited by the kit.
  • Neither a susceptible device that has not been exposed to the exploit kit nor one that has been exposed to the kit but has no vulnerable apps installed may be hacked.


A few basic but effective procedures may be taken to prevent exploit kits from launching assaults on your system:

  • Discreet Browsing: Check the website using a trusted anti malware programme that has a website scanning tool to make sure it doesn't include a malicious component. Also, they may prevent unwelcome programmes from diverting the browser to a different website altogether.
  • Make f requent updates to all programmes.All installed software should be updated to the current version and any security updates.


Cyber security certifications from reputed institutes will be added assets to your resume.

Mayank Deep
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