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Gauri Khanna (@iamgaurikh) Age, Height, Boyfriend, Career, Biography

Gauri Khanna (@iamgaurikh) Age, Height, Boyfriend, Career, Biography

She is an Indian model and well-known social media star of various social media like Snapchat

TikTok, and Instagram who is very popular for her fashion style, beautiful look, and cute smile

Talented, Fashion style, and Due to good popularity on various social media, has around 203K followers

on her official id who like her amazing personality and living style Gauri Khanna is an animal lover and 

her favorite animal is a dog She has promoted many popular beauty and health-related products on various social 

media especially Instagram, some of the popular brands are NYKAA, HEALTH XP, ASITIS, GUCCI, and ZARA, etc Her main 

source of income is various social media especially Instagram sponsorship, modeling, etc. from which Gauri Khanna earns

60 to 80 thousand rupees per month Gauri Khanna has not disclosed much about her family and her love affair, so we cannot

tell you the names of her parents and boyfriend, but we will update you soon.


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