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Outdoor Activities in Bangalore

Sarang dev

There are several outdoor activities in Bangalore can be found. Over the past decade, Bangalore has developed into a great place for adventure sports and other outdoor activities. Even though one needs to travel quite a bit out of the city to reach the mountains and rivers, they are the perfect spots for trekkingriver rafting and other fun activities in bangalore.

  • Trekking: There are several trekking spots near Bangalore. The Savandurga Hill, the Nandi Hills trek and the path trailing to the Kempe Gowda Fort are some of the popular spots. The climb is easier than many, and the view from the top is worth the effort. There are trails passing through thick forest areas, steep slopes, boulders and rocky terrains, making for a thrilling experience.
  • Wildlife safari: The rich biodiversity in areas surrounding Bangalore gives wildlife enthusiasts unending opportunities to surprise themselves. These are few of the best tourist places near bangalore. Bandipore National Park, Nagarhole National Park and Bannerghatta National Park are popular in this regard.
  • Parasailing: Parasailing has become a popular adventure sport in India, and Bangalore offers exciting options for it.

Other than this you can get engaged with river-rafting, dirt-biking, cave exploration, camping etc.

The above list is exhaustive and helpful for you to earmark your holidays and to ensure your long weekends are well planned and guarantee nothing short of perfection! Share your story of visiting any or all of these outdoor activities in Bangalore with us at Ravishing Retreat.

Sarang dev
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